Saturday, December 15, 2012

Just before Germany Trip

Okay so I have a lot of shit to write about. First off would probably be the wedding. I stayed up late the night before writing posts and playing Mabinogi with a few friends. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I'm glad I did. I got up early in the morning and undid all my braids my mom did for me the night before. Now I have wavy hair like no tomorrow, it's crazy! I'll have pictures up on facebook later. So we got to the wedding, but like our last bride's maid was late by about an hour and a half. If she didn't want to be in the wedding all she had to do was say so (later we found out she told her mom that she never wanted to be in it). Anyway, tones of pictures were taken, but it didn't have the feel of a wedding to be honest.

I've been to a few before so I kind of know how they go, but like everything was so disorganized and it was all over in like less than four hours. Where was the partying and the music and the dancing? No, it was wedding, pictures, food, cake, two dances, garder belt, and the bouquet. Then the bride and groom left. Dude that is not how we party! We should be bringing out the beer and champagne  and wine and shit. They played like two songs on the iPod dock and that was it. Dude it was a joke of a party to be honest. Anyway enough ranting about that. So I helped clean up in the end and then went home.

So as some of you know, I'm leaving for Germany in a few hours and I really hate flying. I can't sleep on the plane so I'm attempting to stay up so that I do sleep on the plane. Either way, I forgot I still have to pack my backpack up. So here is my list of things for my backpack:

A few books
3DS and of course games
and my wallet

That's a lot of junk...I hope it fits. My mom didn't want me putting any of that stuff in my suitcase though so its gong to have to!

Alright, so I promised a friend of mine I would do this. Well more like write it, but whatever. So back when I was living in Germany, I took a class trip to Florida to visit colleges and what not. It was pretty fun to say the least of course. Well the reason why I bring this up is because I just had the random thought about what are the chances of me sitting next to someone who is cute? Probably not very high, but he. I remembered a story from the trip I took to Florida and I never to my friend so here it is.

We were all getting ready as in meeting up with the class and whatnot when the teacher said that another boy was coming with us. He was a very dear friend of the teacher and at first I thought oh great it's going to be some old guy who's going to babysit us. NOPE! He turned out to be a kid just like us! He wanted to move to the states and go to college himself so that was why he was coming on the trip. Well because of the seats being arranged the way they were, our last names were next to each other. So for the plane ride there and back, we sat next to each other. He was cute and he was really nice. Of course, I helped him with his English at times since it's hard to understand, I get that.

So anyway, the most important part was coming back home. I hadn't been feeling too good the day before and I wasn't feel too thrilled about the plane ride. So the teacher gave me some medicine that helped me sleep on the plane. Yeah, I slept alright, right on his shoulder! Yeah apparently my head started bobbing so he just gently pushed my head to his shoulder so I could use it as a pillow. Boy when I woke up and realized what had happened I was as red as a beet man. He said it was no problem and that if I needed to I could use his shoulder again. Damn skippy I used his shoulder again! I'm not sure if it was because I was sick that he did it or because he liked me or whatever. All I know is that I quiet enjoyed that. We lost contact though because he ended up moving and just never messaged me again, but that plane ride was quiet enjoyable.

Well, now that I got that out of the way, I am going to finish backing my backpack and then I shall see about getting some rest or maybe just play some assassin's creed or maybe write I'm not sure which just yet. But yeah.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Germany Trip

So I'm going to be going away for three weeks and honestly, I should have really updated this thing way before today. I really need an alarm that tells me write posts for this thing because I can never remember to. Anyway I'm going to make a list of what I'm going to bring with me. I'll have two lists depending on if I can get a backpack or not.

So if I get a backpack I'll have this things:

  • laptop
  • camera
  • 3DS and games
  • Ipod
  • Notebook
  • Pen/pencils
  • Phone
  • Couple books (hopefully 4 or so)
  • Tablet and tablet pen
If I don't get the backpack:

  • Ipad
  • 3DS and games
  • Ipod
  • Notebook
  • Pen/pencils
  • Phone
  • 2 books
As you can see I can fit a lot more in the backpack than in my messenger bag and it would be a lot easier to carry not to mention I wouldn't have to take off all the pins I have on my bag.