Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another start

So after thinking about it last night and reading my friends blog, I help but wish I had kept going with mine. After waking up to Chirstmas music this morning, I decided that I wanted to start again, but like everything I want to start thoughts about leaving for three weeks is seriously bogging me down. I really wish my grandparents would get the internet, but they don't. I won't even have phone access either. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself except maybe draw, write, and read. Yeah that's exciting right?

Well anyways, I just thought i would get into the Christmas spirit of things with Thanksgiving being next week and I'm putting off doing a bunch of work I could be doing to get ahead of my class. Too bad i don't have the motivation to do any of it. I do have the motivation to play Mabinogi, but then my brother "called" dibs on the internet. Not exactly sure how that's supposed to work, but whatever. I don't really have the time to get on Mabi unfortunately. I have class in an hour and that is not enough time to do anything sadly. I could start playing my new XBox games, but I kind of don't want to start yet because then I know I won't get anything done this weekend. Sigh, what am I going to do with myself.

Either way, I thought I would just write down my thoughts and such. Reading my friends blog and her little shorts made me really want to write something to, but I don't know what. I'm working on a one shot for Christmas between two characters, but that isn't finished. I think I might use it for my creative writing class so that I have the motivation to write it. Not doing to well though. I still need to post for an RP as well, I know another one of my friends is waiting for it, but I'm just so sleepy. At least I'm drinking tea to kind of keep me warm in my cold house. Kind of wish it was coffee, but my stomach has been acting weird so I don't want to make it worse right before class. I'll probably have to drink a soda while sitting in class since it gets really boring. I can't always stay awake in that class for whatever bloody reason.

I really hope that I can keep being motivated to write in this, but I don't know. I normally just write it off by saying I don't have the time or I'm just busy and I don't have anything to write, but yeah. I don't know....Like right now I'm just rambling on about stuff that I don't even know what to say anymore. Should this just be the end? Probably for now. Ugghh, okay I need to get ready for class and then maybe if I still have time to either post for that RP or do something......Like work on that sketch I had from last night? I don't know.

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