Friday, November 16, 2012

Getting Ready For The Holidays

Well another day has past. On a good note, I am drinking a coke and watching kittens playing on a livestream and watching Born Free, a movie about lions. I've been having a great day actually, which is something better than what was going on last night. I would have posted something then, but I just didn't have the motivation. In fact, I didn't really have the motivation to do anything yesterday after my parents got into politics. I don't know, I just suddenly become depressed I suppose. Well, the good things that have happened were just small things, but those are the ones I love the most. Someone I've only been talking to for a short time now has told me that I'm an awesome person! That totally just made my day to be honest. I mean I was feeling pretty good since I got my hair cut so my bangs are out of my eyes and such, but that really made my night. To think that me just talking to this girl about random stuff like Mabinogi and other things actually makes her think I'm awesome is just great. I mean I really only go to school and then sit on my computer writing or playing games at the moment since I'm out of a job.
Even on this Friday night, I'm not out partying with who knows who, but rather sitting here writing this blog post. Yeah, some would see this as being boring, but I find it just fine. Honestly I would rather just sit at home with nice cub of tea and a good book than go out and party. Yeah, yeah, call me an old lady for that, but it's what I like to do. So yeah, I am a boring person pretty much so I'm not really sure how I'm really that awesome.
I've been writing on and off all day since I had to go places and fight the traffic of the Commissary shoppers. Sometimes I really hate going with my mom shopping because it means I have to push the cart and get past the other people who are rude and use their cart as a sort of barricade to do anything. Its always terrible. Oh well, it's done and over with. Well until next week with the last minute shopping of course. Sigh, next week is going to be interesting. Not only are two relatives invading our home but also three other people we consider family. It should be interesting to see where we're putting everyone since my room is already being given to one of my relatives. I get to sleep on the couch for about four days and go to bed when everyone else does instead of going to bed at like 3 in the morning. What am I going to do with myself? Probably stare at a wall for a good portion of my time until I do fall asleep.
I really don't want to have the house full, but then its the holidays, what else am I supposed to do? I just have to suck it up and then figure out what to do with myself. Of course I will have my laptop with me so I won't have to worry about it too much, but I don't know if I'll be able to get on too much. My Mabinogi family wants to have Thanksgiving together, but what am I going to do? I have way too many people in the house to be able to find an excuse to get one so easily. I will just have to try and figure out something, although with the people we have coming they might just ignore me completely.
Yeah, I become invisible a lot of the time, which is good I suppose at times, but I do want to be noticed by some people. I suppose I just have to be more open and start doing things. I started a tumblr and I want to make more friends, but that would require me to actually say something. I have no clue what to say really. I just have to get over that initial first contact thingy and just start saying what's on my mind, but sometimes I wonder what's the point of doing that because I don't know if its okay to do that kind of things. I will just have to figure out what to do about it. I have another side blog for my OOC Felixia who is a giant from the game Mabinogi. I just don't know how to kick it off at all. Sigh, what am I to do? Oh well, I'll figure it out sooner or later. Okay, this is long enough so I am going to go finish posting for two rps and then finish watching Born Free. After that I will probably get a cup of tea and go play Mabinogi, maybe.

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